all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 3PE 6 0 51.867969 -2.232488
GL1 3PG 10 1 51.868355 -2.232954
GL1 3PH 41 2 51.868279 -2.230703
GL1 3PL 50 3 51.868802 -2.229544
GL1 3PP 79 0 51.863812 -2.229591
GL1 3PQ 1 1 51.867666 -2.231455
GL1 3PR 2 1 51.867879 -2.226994
GL1 3PS 56 0 51.868868 -2.228295
GL1 3PU 1 1 51.862335 -2.230948
GL1 3PW 53 53 51.867633 -2.229886
GL1 3PX 26 14 51.865969 -2.225797
GL1 3PY 1 1 51.865969 -2.225797
GL1 3PZ 39 6 51.864176 -2.231419
GL1 3QA 5 3 51.862961 -2.228323
GL1 3QD 15 3 51.863745 -2.227049
GL1 3QF 6 0 51.864043 -2.226354
GL1 3QH 20 0 51.867857 -2.234927
GL1 3QJ 19 0 51.864577 -2.224483
GL1 3QL 20 0 51.863291 -2.225144
GL1 3QN 75 0 51.864665 -2.225689