all postcodes in GL1 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL1 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL1 3QP 15 0 51.864386 -2.226094
GL1 3QS 21 0 51.869392 -2.231696
GL1 3QT 21 0 51.863723 -2.224711
GL1 3QU 10 0 51.863172 -2.226248
GL1 3WL 1 1 51.866962 -2.227893
GL1 3YA 1 1 51.827861 -2.274173
GL1 3YH 1 0 51.827861 -2.274173
GL1 3YJ 1 1 51.827861 -2.274173
GL1 3BE 3 0 51.869783 -2.224741
GL1 3LF 79 0 51.865386 -2.228492
GL1 3LZ 54 0 51.865719 -2.229296
GL1 3PJ 16 0 51.867246 -2.23
GL1 3PN 6 0 51.868275 -2.232475
GL1 3LE 0 51.864703 -2.22945
GL1 3WY 1 51.827867 -2.27417
GL1 3QE 33 1 51.868686 -2.229078
GL1 3HG 0 51.872093 -2.234194
GL1 3WX 1 1 51.827861 -2.274173
GL1 3QW 4 0 51.868409 -2.227447
GL1 3AH 1 51.868302 -2.240445