all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 2EY 54 0 51.82385 -2.262556
GL2 2EZ 20 0 51.823747 -2.263655
GL2 2EQ 11 0 51.819992 -2.263186
GL2 2FB 5 0 51.82078 -2.26438
GL2 2FE 20 0 51.819862 -2.263879
GL2 2FF 29 0 51.819728 -2.264635
GL2 2FG 27 0 51.819951 -2.265347
GL2 2FH 16 0 51.820067 -2.265856
GL2 2FJ 9 0 51.820222 -2.264624
GL2 2EP 19 0 51.823278 -2.261188
GL2 2FL 10 0 51.823022 -2.263175
GL2 2DR 35 0 51.820389 -2.262695
GL2 2GA 7 4 51.815778 -2.277712
GL2 2GB 10 51.815593 -2.271966
GL2 2AE 17 8 51.816448 -2.275714
GL2 2FD 7 0 51.820574 -2.264132
GL2 2FN 12 8 51.816513 -2.273463
GL2 2HA 1 1 51.812527 -2.268277
GL2 2GD 9 0 51.821087 -2.260088
GL2 2GE 23 0 51.820603 -2.259229