all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 2GF 7 0 51.820821 -2.258476
GL2 2GG 25 0 51.821529 -2.259162
GL2 2FP 28 0 51.817853 -2.262593
GL2 2FS 37 0 51.818266 -2.2629
GL2 2FT 11 0 51.818674 -2.264118
GL2 2FW 50 0 51.817838 -2.264041
GL2 2FX 57 1 51.818312 -2.265451
GL2 2FZ 40 0 51.819068 -2.268879
GL2 2GL 9 0 51.8181 -2.268731
GL2 2GJ 0 51.819726 -2.269481
GL2 2FQ 0 51.818376 -2.262205
GL2 2GS 2 51.82121 -2.267978
GL2 2GT 9 8 51.82023 -2.267885
GL2 2FY 19 1 51.818828 -2.267674
GL2 2GU 16 0 51.819375 -2.265866
GL2 2GW 6 0 51.819263 -2.266312
GL2 2GX 26 0 51.818193 -2.266205
GL2 2GY 18 0 51.819095 -2.264846
GL2 2GH 8 0 51.822044 -2.258294
GL2 2GZ 8 0 51.816378 -2.265991