all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 4XN 37 0 51.8177 -2.282322
GL2 4XP 29 0 51.81754 -2.292418
GL2 4XQ 45 0 51.826493 -2.293419
GL2 4XR 53 0 51.818349 -2.285097
GL2 4XS 16 0 51.818244 -2.284241
GL2 4XT 50 0 51.818575 -2.284736
GL2 4XU 19 0 51.818598 -2.286593
GL2 4XW 36 1 51.816517 -2.288103
GL2 4XZ 10 0 51.826102 -2.29156
GL2 4YE 36 0 51.819353 -2.290326
GL2 4YF 34 0 51.818734 -2.28951
GL2 4YG 22 0 51.819919 -2.290475
GL2 4YH 84 0 51.82059 -2.291829
GL2 4YJ 54 0 51.821696 -2.280345
GL2 4YL 35 0 51.822615 -2.279625
GL2 4YN 24 0 51.822594 -2.281221
GL2 4YP 43 0 51.820929 -2.281835
GL2 4YQ 34 0 51.820548 -2.290653
GL2 4YR 65 0 51.819543 -2.282261
GL2 4YS 2 0 51.81981 -2.293475