all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 4YT 25 0 51.82373 -2.283637
GL2 4YU 26 0 51.818571 -2.28256
GL2 4YW 21 0 51.821739 -2.281549
GL2 4YX 49 0 51.81764 -2.280857
GL2 4YY 45 0 51.81767 -2.283279
GL2 4YZ 29 0 51.818222 -2.281977
GL2 4ST 1 0 51.827861 -2.274173
GL2 4ZJ 1 1 51.827861 -2.274173
GL2 4SQ 14 0 51.82489 -2.283209
GL2 4RE 23 0 51.823892 -2.275817
GL2 4RN 42 0 51.822893 -2.276043
GL2 4RQ 29 0 51.822982 -2.276624
GL2 4JY 50 1 51.829271 -2.27495
GL2 4JT 1 0 51.827861 -2.274173
GL2 4AL 52 15 51.828545 -2.273785
GL2 4PH 1 1 51.807617 -2.291092
GL2 4BH 48 0 51.80943 -2.272535
GL2 4AP 32 0 51.80841 -2.271647
GL2 4AQ 27 0 51.808476 -2.270385
GL2 4AR 0 51.807323 -2.27122