all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 5DN 15 7 51.839662 -2.268178
GL2 5DP 10 8 51.838139 -2.264915
GL2 5DQ 5 4 51.838477 -2.266499
GL2 5DR 26 0 51.849206 -2.262108
GL2 5DS 33 0 51.850888 -2.261827
GL2 5DT 5 5 51.839207 -2.266651
GL2 5DX 12 11 51.836933 -2.269174
GL2 5EA 12 12 51.837597 -2.274754
GL2 5EE 1 1 51.838321 -2.26859
GL2 5EF 28 0 51.850675 -2.260708
GL2 5EG 1 1 51.83803 -2.27422
GL2 5EJ 9 0 51.836159 -2.27447
GL2 5EL 18 12 51.835095 -2.267904
GL2 5EP 1 1 51.835935 -2.266443
GL2 5ER 2 2 51.835696 -2.267382
GL2 5EU 12 10 51.844892 -2.260251
GL2 5FD 18 15 51.859654 -2.261106
GL2 5FE 2 1 51.837374 -2.269046
GL2 5FF 26 0 51.843753 -2.256154
GL2 5FG 22 0 51.843131 -2.256731