all postcodes in GL2 / GLOUCESTER

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL2 5FL 18 0 51.843146 -2.258183
GL2 5FN 21 0 51.843777 -2.25733
GL2 5FQ 29 1 51.843312 -2.255002
GL2 5FW 8 8 51.843824 -2.260582
GL2 5GA 24 1 51.855143 -2.260966
GL2 5GB 27 0 51.850575 -2.265078
GL2 5GD 34 0 51.84919 -2.265113
GL2 5GE 5 0 51.850432 -2.264467
GL2 5GF 19 0 51.850631 -2.263931
GL2 5GN 5 0 51.848538 -2.267345
GL2 5HA 8 7 51.835529 -2.270606
GL2 5HD 13 0 51.860881 -2.260041
GL2 5HG 7 6 51.861211 -2.261292
GL2 5HH 3 1 51.86294 -2.259339
GL2 5HL 6 6 51.861693 -2.258492
GL2 5HN 23 1 51.861386 -2.259434
GL2 5HP 9 0 51.839967 -2.256379
GL2 5HQ 1 1 51.862552 -2.256406
GL2 5HS 22 19 51.862118 -2.261076
GL2 5HY 13 8 51.844647 -2.262401