all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 8SL 7 4 52.004386 -2.128228
GL20 8SN 33 0 52.005508 -2.111952
GL20 8SP 2 0 52.00782 -2.119992
GL20 8SQ 2 0 51.997846 -2.13121
GL20 8SR 3 2 52.001068 -2.127986
GL20 8SS 8 0 52.00666 -2.120033
GL20 8ST 3 0 52.006326 -2.120913
GL20 8SU 14 0 52.007477 -2.120508
GL20 8SW 7 0 52.009123 -2.120017
GL20 8SX 4 0 52.006308 -2.120287
GL20 8SY 20 0 52.007379 -2.119765
GL20 8SZ 11 0 52.006928 -2.120886
GL20 8TA 28 0 52.009609 -2.119261
GL20 8TD 10 8 52.001651 -2.121068
GL20 8TE 69 0 52.005366 -2.109577
GL20 8TF 3 0 52.00479 -2.109954
GL20 8TG 7 0 52.005842 -2.110044
GL20 8TH 8 0 52.009185 -2.120455
GL20 8TJ 14 0 52.008098 -2.120292
GL20 8TL 5 0 52.008682 -2.120599