all postcodes in GL20 / TEWKESBURY

find any address or company within the GL20 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL20 8TN 18 0 52.008728 -2.119507
GL20 8TP 6 0 51.997703 -1.995599
GL20 8TQ 70 0 52.006984 -2.109508
GL20 8TR 8 0 51.994311 -2.05272
GL20 8TU 5 4 51.998901 -2.109911
GL20 8TW 7 7 52.004717 -2.110872
GL20 8TZ 7 0 51.99844 -1.999109
GL20 8UA 41 0 52.006108 -2.114415
GL20 8UB 20 0 52.005128 -2.113466
GL20 8UD 35 0 52.004796 -2.112795
GL20 8UE 5 0 51.997525 -2.101197
GL20 8UG 3 0 52.002398 -2.110779
GL20 8UH 20 0 52.00095 -2.111329
GL20 8UJ 7 0 52.001229 -2.110514
GL20 8UL 57 0 52.000462 -2.113265
GL20 8UP 19 0 52.000987 -2.110236
GL20 8UN 13 0 52.000975 -2.11312
GL20 8YF 1 1 52.003301 -2.125028
GL20 8YT 1 1 52.003301 -2.125028
GL20 8YX 1 1 52.003301 -2.125028