all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 2NH 7 0 51.871548 -2.162962
GL3 2NJ 6 0 51.873446 -2.16677
GL3 2NL 7 0 51.873751 -2.16741
GL3 2NN 16 0 51.873306 -2.165859
GL3 2NP 6 0 51.875328 -2.166782
GL3 2NQ 37 0 51.881413 -2.17385
GL3 2NR 2 0 51.875128 -2.166166
GL3 2NS 1 0 51.875024 -2.165691
GL3 2NT 4 0 51.874635 -2.166794
GL3 2NU 7 0 51.875213 -2.165372
GL3 2NW 7 0 51.883572 -2.190537
GL3 2NX 34 0 51.874395 -2.165253
GL3 2NY 5 0 51.874934 -2.165299
GL3 2NZ 13 0 51.876634 -2.164768
GL3 2PA 3 0 51.877203 -2.163419
GL3 2PB 9 0 51.877877 -2.163407
GL3 2PD 16 0 51.878492 -2.160779
GL3 2PE 1 0 51.875923 -2.1591
GL3 2PF 11 0 51.879451 -2.156134
GL3 2PG 18 0 51.877894 -2.164264