all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 2PH 4 0 51.878489 -2.16261
GL3 2PJ 3 1 51.879744 -2.159273
GL3 2PL 1 1 51.879796 -2.160741
GL3 2PN 14 0 51.879999 -2.156717
GL3 2PP 11 0 51.881254 -2.159162
GL3 2PQ 8 1 51.876597 -2.165537
GL3 2PR 47 0 51.880947 -2.160207
GL3 2PS 1 0 51.884486 -2.156079
GL3 2PT 1 0 51.882814 -2.162727
GL3 2PU 61 0 51.876385 -2.163358
GL3 2PW 4 0 51.8805 -2.158854
GL3 2PX 28 0 51.879143 -2.157775
GL3 2PY 9 0 51.873971 -2.166356
GL3 2PZ 11 0 51.875681 -2.165258
GL3 2QD 11 0 51.881545 -2.182074
GL3 2QE 30 0 51.87695 -2.174642
GL3 2QF 3 0 51.878791 -2.17785
GL3 2QG 1 0 51.876866 -2.172743
GL3 2QH 12 0 51.879931 -2.178886
GL3 2QJ 16 0 51.879331 -2.177779