all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4LJ 34 0 51.84502 -2.153097
GL3 4LQ 52 0 51.844955 -2.147915
GL3 4LS 6 2 51.845863 -2.160019
GL3 4LT 13 0 51.844605 -2.160876
GL3 4LU 16 0 51.842034 -2.160693
GL3 4LX 9 0 51.84073 -2.16092
GL3 4LY 5 0 51.844471 -2.160048
GL3 4LZ 4 0 51.843491 -2.160466
GL3 4NA 17 0 51.842341 -2.152957
GL3 4NB 56 0 51.842502 -2.159998
GL3 4ND 16 0 51.842279 -2.15917
GL3 4NE 26 0 51.843753 -2.15916
GL3 4NF 15 0 51.841793 -2.159589
GL3 4NG 31 0 51.842828 -2.158562
GL3 4NH 23 0 51.841012 -2.158498
GL3 4NJ 16 2 51.841272 -2.159152
GL3 4NL 11 0 51.844491 -2.158452
GL3 4NN 16 0 51.84502 -2.159847
GL3 4NP 34 0 51.84058 -2.15854
GL3 4NQ 38 0 51.842002 -2.157674