all postcodes in GL3 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL3 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL3 4NR 13 0 51.843743 -2.160394
GL3 4NS 8 0 51.841956 -2.158806
GL3 4NT 18 0 51.845021 -2.159078
GL3 4NU 1 1 51.840773 -2.153977
GL3 4NW 9 0 51.844365 -2.158959
GL3 4NX 35 0 51.842073 -2.151607
GL3 4NY 28 4 51.842649 -2.156074
GL3 4NZ 39 0 51.84159 -2.156758
GL3 4PB 1 1 51.844105 -2.144646
GL3 4PD 36 0 51.841142 -2.15529
GL3 4PE 1 1 51.844575 -2.156696
GL3 4PF 60 0 51.840244 -2.15459
GL3 4PG 5 0 51.847049 -2.141171
GL3 4PH 3 3 51.84275 -2.149127
GL3 4PJ 2 0 51.842397 -2.149657
GL3 4PL 1 1 51.842004 -2.149066
GL3 4PN 6 0 51.841843 -2.148224
GL3 4PP 32 0 51.843614 -2.148752
GL3 4PQ 46 0 51.841631 -2.152287
GL3 4PR 13 0 51.844002 -2.148071