all postcodes in GL4 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL4 0LW 39 0 51.834379 -2.270425
GL4 0LP 45 0 51.834003 -2.269595
GL4 0LR 8 0 51.83498 -2.27098
GL4 0AA 0 51.839688 -2.243837
GL4 0AB 1 51.837924 -2.244873
GL4 0AD 0 51.836743 -2.245998
GL4 0AE 0 51.836485 -2.244734
GL4 0AG 0 51.836733 -2.246753
GL4 0AH 1 51.83599 -2.245007
GL4 0AJ 0 51.835921 -2.243643
GL4 0AL 0 51.838127 -2.246427
GL4 0AN 0 51.83661 -2.248592
GL4 0AP 0 51.837045 -2.247727
GL4 0AQ 0 51.837497 -2.246655
GL4 0AU 0 51.837837 -2.24313
GL4 0AW 1 51.839182 -2.243831
GL4 0AY 0 51.837839 -2.242419
GL4 0AZ 0 51.838408 -2.240927
GL4 0BA 0 51.836129 -2.242933
GL4 0BB 0 51.834554 -2.243911