all postcodes in GL4 / GLOUCESTER

find any address or company within the GL4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL4 3LE 0 51.859575 -2.201602
GL4 3LJ 0 51.857109 -2.197714
GL4 3QA 2 51.863341 -2.20603
GL4 3QB 1 51.839243 -2.167993
GL4 3QR 0 51.855256 -2.208901
GL4 3QS 0 51.856201 -2.208223
GL4 3QT 0 51.856993 -2.207805
GL4 3QU 1 51.856925 -2.209442
GL4 3QW 0 51.856013 -2.207597
GL4 3RG 0 51.85728 -2.208286
GL4 3RJ 1 51.839243 -2.167993
GL4 3RL 1 51.864512 -2.195932
GL4 3RR 0 51.862017 -2.203733
GL4 3RS 1 51.861466 -2.200042
GL4 3RT 20 51.864498 -2.202535
GL4 3RU 1 51.863446 -2.198831
GL4 3RW 1 51.862992 -2.206439
GL4 3RX 1 51.8643 -2.193665
GL4 3SJ 14 51.857746 -2.222296
GL4 3SN 13 51.860695 -2.218873