all postcodes in GL54 / CHELTENHAM

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL54 5DL 1 0 51.994128 -1.940809
GL54 5DP 9 0 51.999754 -1.935587
GL54 5DQ 50 1 51.993583 -1.949053
GL54 5DR 6 2 51.997048 -1.922525
GL54 5DS 14 0 51.991426 -1.93187
GL54 5DT 18 4 51.989959 -1.929892
GL54 5DU 35 0 51.990719 -1.936654
GL54 5DW 10 0 51.993432 -1.951607
GL54 5DX 3 0 51.990544 -1.947731
GL54 5EA 5 0 51.972429 -1.983693
GL54 5EB 28 19 51.993239 -1.965932
GL54 5EE 18 2 51.956089 -1.967095
GL54 5EF 5 0 51.956701 -1.967692
GL54 5EG 17 2 51.957052 -1.967968
GL54 5EJ 16 0 51.959246 -1.968185
GL54 5EL 53 0 51.961619 -1.968931
GL54 5EN 5 0 51.966871 -1.972756
GL54 5EP 34 3 51.971746 -1.984407
GL54 5EQ 12 0 51.957789 -1.968302
GL54 5ER 7 0 51.971063 -1.986198