all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1PP 59 0 51.710798 -1.967301
GL7 1PQ 4 0 51.703997 -1.954007
GL7 1PR 18 0 51.709935 -1.965855
GL7 1PS 92 0 51.706515 -1.955423
GL7 1PU 16 0 51.710533 -1.967814
GL7 1PX 1 1 51.712057 -1.965998
GL7 1PY 1 1 51.701769 -1.960073
GL7 1PZ 6 6 51.707348 -1.960406
GL7 1QA 20 13 51.716985 -1.969222
GL7 1QB 18 0 51.706881 -1.980763
GL7 1QD 40 26 51.716248 -1.970062
GL7 1QG 5 5 51.712755 -1.970244
GL7 1QH 18 11 51.716437 -1.970626
GL7 1QJ 1 1 51.716724 -1.969845
GL7 1QR 23 0 51.707187 -1.981588
GL7 1QW 16 4 51.71498 -1.971076
GL7 1QX 36 6 51.714859 -1.969099
GL7 1QZ 20 2 51.714315 -1.969701
GL7 1RA 14 3 51.715069 -1.967819
GL7 1RB 14 1 51.714584 -1.968514