all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1LF 46 3 51.709029 -1.957742
GL7 1LT 6 5 51.708957 -1.959348
GL7 1LG 22 2 51.70951 -1.957881
GL7 1LN 4 0 51.709411 -1.957273
GL7 1LP 14 0 51.71479 -1.966589
GL7 1LQ 18 0 51.710004 -1.958126
GL7 1LR 4 0 51.703564 -1.95149
GL7 1LX 40 0 51.71536 -1.949379
GL7 1LY 9 0 51.703789 -1.951244
GL7 1LZ 10 0 51.703326 -1.950729
GL7 1NA 14 0 51.709548 -1.963698
GL7 1NB 22 0 51.70989 -1.965232
GL7 1ND 43 0 51.710483 -1.965261
GL7 1NE 16 0 51.710375 -1.964725
GL7 1NF 25 0 51.708775 -1.964119
GL7 1NG 12 0 51.708163 -1.964713
GL7 1NH 8 0 51.706615 -1.958245
GL7 1NJ 16 1 51.707145 -1.958085
GL7 1NL 19 0 51.707622 -1.958331
GL7 1NN 4 0 51.707603 -1.957318