all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 2NF 39 0 51.735688 -1.976378
GL7 2NG 23 1 51.73363 -1.979608
GL7 2TG 3 0 51.734241 -1.979665
GL7 2NH 27 11 51.71721 -1.968759
GL7 2NP 1 1 51.716813 -1.966834
GL7 2NQ 10 0 51.73599 -1.977817
GL7 2NR 1 1 51.716791 -1.967288
GL7 2NS 1 1 51.716868 -1.968194
GL7 2NU 1 1 51.716786 -1.966675
GL7 2NW 18 12 51.716957 -1.967427
GL7 2NX 16 13 51.717272 -1.966964
GL7 2NZ 1 1 51.717065 -1.966269
GL7 2PB 1 1 51.717353 -1.967297
GL7 2PE 3 1 51.717236 -1.968353
GL7 2PF 62 31 51.716183 -1.964663
GL7 2PG 1 1 51.715986 -1.96627
GL7 2PN 1 1 51.716931 -1.967861
GL7 2PP 36 28 51.716431 -1.964292
GL7 2PR 19 10 51.716993 -1.964937
GL7 2PT 1 1 51.71617 -1.964032