all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 2PU 26 1 51.716488 -1.961681
GL7 2PW 1 1 51.715949 -1.963187
GL7 2PX 53 0 51.71799 -1.962346
GL7 2PY 4 3 51.716722 -1.963259
GL7 2PZ 38 2 51.717541 -1.965574
GL7 2QE 6 0 51.718152 -1.963909
GL7 2QF 12 0 51.717851 -1.964031
GL7 2QG 6 0 51.717919 -1.964618
GL7 2QQ 6 0 51.717811 -1.964864
GL7 2QR 18 0 51.71746 -1.963967
GL7 2QS 18 0 51.71755 -1.964546
GL7 2QT 18 0 51.717901 -1.9643
GL7 2QU 29 0 51.718279 -1.967687
GL7 2QX 6 0 51.71799 -1.963764
GL7 2QY 3 2 51.716372 -1.965691
GL7 2RH 58 0 51.732999 -1.974685
GL7 2RJ 11 0 51.734326 -1.973256
GL7 2RL 39 0 51.733809 -1.975032
GL7 2RN 38 0 51.734735 -1.975553
GL7 2RP 80 0 51.730347 -1.976713