all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 3QZ 1 0 51.753536 -1.65501
GL7 3RA 1 0 51.740642 -1.67382
GL7 3RB 15 3 51.746164 -1.684151
GL7 3RD 2 0 51.756775 -1.676095
GL7 3RE 4 0 51.766248 -1.6802
GL7 3RF 1 0 51.730196 -1.65235
GL7 3RG 1 0 51.720686 -1.629782
GL7 3RL 13 0 51.729947 -1.713454
GL7 3RY 1 1 51.696866 -1.691106
GL7 3RZ 16 0 51.696922 -1.695562
GL7 3SB 21 0 51.702642 -1.692644
GL7 3SD 58 0 51.704032 -1.68757
GL7 3SE 59 0 51.704893 -1.687129
GL7 3SF 51 0 51.70371 -1.688397
GL7 3YS 1 0 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 3YY 1 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 3FQ 4 0 51.699255 -1.691872
GL7 3FF 32 0 51.697118 -1.701652
GL7 3WS 1 0 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 3QF 8 0 51.727121 -1.715918