all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 3PT 1 0 51.754781 -1.744936
GL7 3PU 3 0 51.769012 -1.728133
GL7 3PX 6 0 51.772549 -1.714431
GL7 3PY 1 0 51.756706 -1.699622
GL7 3QA 3 0 51.727548 -1.714251
GL7 3QB 9 0 51.746257 -1.717116
GL7 3QD 11 0 51.726264 -1.71491
GL7 3QH 2 0 51.707371 -1.68406
GL7 3QJ 7 0 51.720796 -1.68414
GL7 3QL 5 0 51.725965 -1.677053
GL7 3QN 12 0 51.7112 -1.675102
GL7 3QP 3 0 51.710675 -1.670807
GL7 3QQ 7 1 51.709506 -1.68044
GL7 3QR 1 0 51.716298 -1.665498
GL7 3QS 40 2 51.732343 -1.637042
GL7 3QT 27 1 51.737657 -1.633959
GL7 3QU 13 0 51.739718 -1.631885
GL7 3QW 9 0 51.710242 -1.673503
GL7 3QX 18 1 51.741536 -1.632537
GL7 3QY 2 0 51.755411 -1.644608