all postcodes in GL9 / BADMINTON

find any address or company within the GL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL9 1DB 0 51.544775 -2.28083
GL9 1DD 2 51.543115 -2.283127
GL9 1DF 1 51.542536 -2.284638
GL9 1DG 2 51.542814 -2.284798
GL9 1DH 0 51.544634 -2.283339
GL9 1DJ 0 51.544026 -2.285844
GL9 1DL 0 51.554029 -2.283729
GL9 1DN 0 51.572576 -2.273812
GL9 1DP 0 51.586266 -2.26355
GL9 1DQ 0 51.542979 -2.283512
GL9 1DR 0 51.585821 -2.261512
GL9 1DS 1 51.585559 -2.261915
GL9 1DT 2 51.585181 -2.262187
GL9 1DU 1 51.590966 -2.247944
GL9 1DW 0 51.575247 -2.273111
GL9 1DX 0 51.591179 -2.253488
GL9 1DY 0 51.588957 -2.258224
GL9 1DZ 0 51.587968 -2.262174
GL9 1EA 1 51.591549 -2.265226
GL9 1EB 0 51.58646 -2.265239