all postcodes in GL9 / BADMINTON

find any address or company within the GL9 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL9 1ED 0 51.585722 -2.265707
GL9 1EF 0 51.578429 -2.316524
GL9 1EG 0 51.567246 -2.309016
GL9 1EH 0 51.541904 -2.28596
GL9 1EJ 0 51.541574 -2.284819
GL9 1EL 0 51.539427 -2.283724
GL9 1EN 0 51.538198 -2.282549
GL9 1EP 0 51.53776 -2.281508
GL9 1EQ 0 51.581739 -2.319631
GL9 1ER 0 51.537033 -2.281013
GL9 1ES 0 51.538182 -2.277743
GL9 1ET 0 51.540394 -2.281971
GL9 1EU 0 51.538958 -2.284514
GL9 1EW 0 51.53812 -2.28138
GL9 1EX 0 51.538929 -2.285307
GL9 1EY 0 51.533161 -2.308367
GL9 1EZ 0 51.528197 -2.318568
GL9 1GA 0 51.580613 -2.316928
GL9 1HA 0 51.533769 -2.322831
GL9 1HB 0 51.527124 -2.309695