all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 4BA 1 0 51.186206 -0.814734
GU10 4BB 1 0 51.184813 -0.814841
GU10 4BD 12 0 51.185301 -0.81686
GU10 4BE 2 0 51.190303 -0.816385
GU10 4BH 18 0 51.18494 -0.81933
GU10 4BJ 38 0 51.184787 -0.820221
GU10 4BN 12 0 51.182568 -0.824914
GU10 4BP 21 0 51.184157 -0.825546
GU10 4BQ 1 0 51.214399 -0.801697
GU10 4BS 17 0 51.184569 -0.823618
GU10 4BT 20 0 51.185942 -0.823283
GU10 4BU 6 0 51.186754 -0.821845
GU10 4BW 19 1 51.18339 -0.827039
GU10 4BX 1 0 51.186291 -0.822243
GU10 4DA 2 0 51.189174 -0.822138
GU10 4DB 28 0 51.186113 -0.824194
GU10 4DD 10 0 51.185195 -0.82592
GU10 4DE 16 1 51.184767 -0.82988
GU10 4DF 18 2 51.185179 -0.830009
GU10 4DG 8 0 51.184087 -0.828438