all postcodes in GU10 / FARNHAM

find any address or company within the GU10 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU10 4LF 1 1 51.168115 -0.842717
GU10 4LG 10 1 51.1785 -0.845615
GU10 4LH 1 1 51.178648 -0.852167
GU10 4LJ 10 0 51.178385 -0.853733
GU10 4LL 7 0 51.168841 -0.848835
GU10 4LN 6 0 51.169073 -0.848714
GU10 4LP 6 1 51.168914 -0.846555
GU10 4LQ 4 1 51.179241 -0.853039
GU10 4LR 3 0 51.169273 -0.847405
GU10 4LS 4 4 51.168112 -0.842699
GU10 4LT 21 4 51.170707 -0.847472
GU10 4LU 13 0 51.171488 -0.849198
GU10 4LW 41 0 51.170566 -0.84872
GU10 4NB 13 0 51.193849 -0.821793
GU10 4ND 7 0 51.19504 -0.821291
GU10 4NE 8 0 51.192953 -0.820356
GU10 4NF 11 0 51.192168 -0.823611
GU10 4NG 13 0 51.191514 -0.823856
GU10 4NH 10 0 51.192779 -0.819173
GU10 4NJ 1 0 51.190959 -0.817917