all postcodes in GU2 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU2 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU2 9AA 6 51.248768 -0.585764
GU2 9AB 5 51.249207 -0.586324
GU2 9AD 2 51.24892 -0.586742
GU2 9AE 0 51.263084 -0.590929
GU2 9AF 0 51.26267 -0.590971
GU2 9AG 0 51.262832 -0.592485
GU2 9FY 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 9GA 0 51.253642 -0.58646
GU2 9GB 0 51.257343 -0.591391
GU2 9GD 0 51.258001 -0.5915
GU2 9GL 1 1 51.245283 -0.582332
GU2 9GN 5 0 51.256197 -0.590309
GU2 9GP 20 0 51.26207 -0.594873
GU2 9GR 14 0 51.261879 -0.595481
GU2 9GS 7 0 51.255786 -0.59207
GU2 9GT 7 0 51.257273 -0.590046
GU2 9GU 8 0 51.264837 -0.593169
GU2 9GW 4 0 51.256457 -0.590243
GU2 9GX 14 0 51.264766 -0.593974
GU2 9GY 46 0 51.263007 -0.593512