all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 2DN 1 1 51.316079 -0.619899
GU21 2DP 14 0 51.318399 -0.610043
GU21 2DQ 32 0 51.316425 -0.614953
GU21 2DR 23 10 51.317547 -0.617832
GU21 2DS 2 0 51.317738 -0.618067
GU21 2DT 20 2 51.316867 -0.619603
GU21 2DU 1 0 51.315833 -0.620366
GU21 2DW 37 0 51.315777 -0.614858
GU21 2DX 43 0 51.317051 -0.6169
GU21 2DY 6 0 51.317619 -0.615505
GU21 2DZ 6 0 51.31789 -0.615655
GU21 2EA 4 0 51.317022 -0.617643
GU21 2EB 8 0 51.317823 -0.616044
GU21 2ED 16 0 51.317299 -0.615056
GU21 2EE 31 1 51.317923 -0.614621
GU21 2EF 4 0 51.318215 -0.614999
GU21 2EG 5 3 51.318688 -0.614698
GU21 2EJ 5 0 51.318186 -0.615574
GU21 2EL 13 0 51.316928 -0.61412
GU21 2EN 14 0 51.315937 -0.613203