all postcodes in GU21 / WOKING

find any address or company within the GU21 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU21 2JL 2 0 51.323401 -0.608812
GU21 2JN 13 2 51.324329 -0.609591
GU21 2JP 35 0 51.32215 -0.608581
GU21 2JQ 13 0 51.321287 -0.610932
GU21 2JR 16 0 51.322324 -0.608891
GU21 2JS 30 0 51.323224 -0.607414
GU21 2JT 19 0 51.322278 -0.607256
GU21 2JU 12 0 51.324882 -0.605509
GU21 2JX 7 0 51.325941 -0.597759
GU21 2JY 3 0 51.326941 -0.600154
GU21 2JZ 12 2 51.327736 -0.600489
GU21 2LA 54 0 51.319719 -0.603043
GU21 2LB 7 0 51.321994 -0.618947
GU21 2LD 20 0 51.322548 -0.61794
GU21 2LE 16 0 51.322286 -0.617058
GU21 2LF 16 0 51.321759 -0.616615
GU21 2LG 25 0 51.321551 -0.619563
GU21 2LH 37 0 51.320382 -0.621076
GU21 2LJ 12 0 51.320516 -0.620269
GU21 2LL 7 0 51.319384 -0.607401