all postcodes in GU30 / LIPHOOK

find any address or company within the GU30 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU30 7JN 22 1 51.049313 -0.815563
GU30 7JP 22 2 51.040631 -0.809865
GU30 7JQ 1 1 51.064298 -0.834646
GU30 7JR 13 0 51.036364 -0.807245
GU30 7JS 8 1 51.035278 -0.806893
GU30 7JT 8 0 51.033057 -0.813168
GU30 7JU 7 2 51.028787 -0.821277
GU30 7JW 1 1 51.04849 -0.814228
GU30 7JX 6 1 51.034412 -0.821704
GU30 7JY 19 0 51.022323 -0.81434
GU30 7JZ 11 0 51.017465 -0.819977
GU30 7LA 10 0 51.021505 -0.826865
GU30 7LB 16 0 51.07611 -0.793524
GU30 7LD 22 1 51.075471 -0.79778
GU30 7LG 11 0 51.078105 -0.781238
GU30 7LH 1 0 51.074212 -0.777871
GU30 7LJ 4 0 51.072901 -0.786323
GU30 7LL 7 1 51.072115 -0.782865
GU30 7LN 4 0 51.068791 -0.791002
GU30 7LP 25 7 51.060289 -0.787594