all postcodes in GU30 / LIPHOOK

find any address or company within the GU30 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU30 7LQ 2 1 51.070708 -0.782112
GU30 7LR 15 0 51.050739 -0.79024
GU30 7LS 4 0 51.049384 -0.788255
GU30 7LT 3 0 51.041633 -0.788343
GU30 7LU 20 3 51.038977 -0.800251
GU30 7NN 1 0 51.039614 -0.800035
GU30 7LW 1 0 51.062386 -0.76915
GU30 7LX 6 0 51.049027 -0.799891
GU30 7LY 11 1 51.044115 -0.794935
GU30 7LZ 31 0 51.037439 -0.804612
GU30 7NA 30 4 51.030575 -0.80081
GU30 7NB 26 0 51.034534 -0.805428
GU30 7ND 6 0 51.037106 -0.789702
GU30 7NE 2 0 51.042844 -0.775116
GU30 7NF 6 0 51.040165 -0.77175
GU30 7NG 4 0 51.048922 -0.769806
GU30 7NH 10 0 51.035236 -0.806352
GU30 7NJ 42 0 51.076633 -0.805016
GU30 7NL 9 0 51.03437 -0.806959
GU30 7NP 40 4 51.079094 -0.803839