all postcodes in GU31 / PETERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU31 5BB 1 1 51.003875 -0.93828
GU31 5BH 7 1 51.009728 -0.851305
GU31 5BJ 5 0 51.016355 -0.851602
GU31 5BL 10 0 51.013243 -0.858849
GU31 5BN 7 0 51.010517 -0.865159
GU31 5BP 5 2 51.006126 -0.865851
GU31 5BT 3 0 51.024503 -0.855321
GU31 5BU 9 2 51.021863 -0.840159
GU31 5BW 4 0 51.009071 -0.869057
GU31 5BX 3 0 51.008248 -0.850219
GU31 5BY 6 0 51.018547 -0.836777
GU31 5BZ 8 0 51.015622 -0.828135
GU31 5DA 5 0 51.015445 -0.820731
GU31 5DB 4 1 51.008065 -0.81563
GU31 5DD 18 1 51.015177 -0.836134
GU31 5DE 18 0 51.014912 -0.837467
GU31 5DF 4 0 51.014386 -0.837936
GU31 5DG 4 0 51.01441 -0.838563
GU31 5DH 10 0 51.015386 -0.840516
GU31 5DJ 23 1 51.013726 -0.842087