all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 1LW 7 0 51.012464 -1.084069
GU32 1LX 11 0 51.011744 -1.075987
GU32 1LY 12 0 51.012201 -1.075764
GU32 1LZ 4 0 51.015398 -1.075159
GU32 1NA 5 0 51.011757 -1.074219
GU32 1NB 8 0 51.009703 -1.071423
GU32 1ND 5 0 51.012065 -1.072132
GU32 1NE 1 0 51.014287 -1.064461
GU32 1NH 12 1 50.995025 -1.032316
GU32 1NJ 4 0 50.995639 -1.030479
GU32 1NL 5 0 50.995641 -1.032887
GU32 1NN 4 0 50.99534 -1.033521
GU32 1NP 2 0 50.994325 -1.033341
GU32 1NR 9 1 50.994004 -1.034004
GU32 1NS 26 0 50.993601 -1.033087
GU32 1NT 9 0 50.993047 -1.03354
GU32 1NU 8 0 50.9929 -1.032047
GU32 1NW 26 1 50.994186 -1.032831
GU32 1NX 2 0 50.99209 -1.034884
GU32 1NY 8 0 50.992603 -1.034958