all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 1NZ 6 0 50.992436 -1.03579
GU32 1PA 4 0 50.992435 -1.036358
GU32 1PB 12 0 50.992182 -1.039541
GU32 1PD 9 0 50.994834 -1.034244
GU32 1PE 4 0 50.993895 -1.034604
GU32 1PF 7 0 50.994963 -1.035365
GU32 1PG 2 0 50.996539 -1.03348
GU32 1PH 10 0 51.008033 -1.035153
GU32 1PJ 7 0 51.0167 -1.03021
GU32 1PL 4 0 51.02076 -1.04196
GU32 1PN 5 1 51.007452 -1.045413
GU32 1PP 2 0 50.990989 -1.047559
GU32 1PQ 5 0 50.998891 -1.036253
GU32 1PR 19 0 50.993023 -1.037117
GU32 1PS 18 0 50.993364 -1.035899
GU32 1PT 1 0 50.994774 -1.032177
GU32 1PU 4 0 50.994467 -1.032256
GU32 1PW 6 0 51.004227 -1.048728
GU32 1PX 6 0 50.994576 -1.031399
GU32 1PY 21 0 50.993642 -1.031461