all postcodes in GU32 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU32 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU32 1BE 9 0 51.040142 -0.960898
GU32 1BG 4 0 51.041082 -0.957827
GU32 1BH 5 0 51.041632 -0.962037
GU32 1BJ 12 0 51.046305 -0.965226
GU32 1BL 4 0 51.047 -0.964956
GU32 1BN 5 0 51.051455 -0.957352
GU32 1BP 7 1 51.059723 -0.967911
GU32 1BQ 6 0 51.043666 -0.956129
GU32 1BS 5 0 51.0639 -0.965307
GU32 1BW 2 0 51.054287 -0.963892
GU32 1BY 3 0 51.046221 -0.969495
GU32 1BZ 10 1 51.051758 -0.975919
GU32 1DA 1 1 51.055819 -0.982095
GU32 1DB 1 0 51.051918 -0.987545
GU32 1DD 9 0 51.051406 -0.991736
GU32 1DE 6 1 51.048257 -0.983259
GU32 1DF 6 0 51.033832 -1.00565
GU32 1DG 3 0 51.032112 -0.997403
GU32 1DH 8 1 51.024145 -0.997475
GU32 1DJ 3 1 51.019386 -0.997207