all postcodes in GU33 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU33 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU33 6HN 4 0 51.081278 -0.919135
GU33 6HP 6 0 51.075169 -0.917348
GU33 6HQ 19 0 51.06409 -0.91006
GU33 6HR 5 0 51.07458 -0.917321
GU33 6HS 2 0 51.07423 -0.919868
GU33 6HT 10 0 51.075372 -0.926679
GU33 6HU 9 0 51.073984 -0.934234
GU33 6HW 5 0 51.07533 -0.916819
GU33 6HX 7 0 51.080184 -0.9244
GU33 6HY 1 0 51.079546 -0.92387
GU33 6HZ 5 0 51.077295 -0.921198
GU33 6JD 2 0 51.048381 -0.899155
GU33 6JE 15 1 51.048062 -0.898706
GU33 6JG 14 9 51.045319 -0.899159
GU33 6JH 5 0 51.050058 -0.901957
GU33 6JJ 1 0 51.049805 -0.901461
GU33 6JL 8 0 51.049337 -0.90176
GU33 6JN 2 0 51.049113 -0.902462
GU33 6JP 7 0 51.048397 -0.910913
GU33 6JQ 15 1 51.049816 -0.90018