all postcodes in GU33 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU33 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU33 6DE 3 0 51.083953 -0.915259
GU33 6DF 1 1 51.003875 -0.93828
GU33 6DG 1 1 51.074326 -0.864538
GU33 6DH 1 0 51.071619 -0.86682
GU33 6DS 2 1 51.069159 -0.873285
GU33 6EF 1 1 51.074326 -0.864538
GU33 6EL 5 1 51.073772 -0.870008
GU33 6ET 18 0 51.073145 -0.887137
GU33 6EU 3 0 51.071818 -0.891323
GU33 6EX 26 0 51.071474 -0.891017
GU33 6EY 4 1 51.070999 -0.89404
GU33 6EZ 2 0 51.070229 -0.894912
GU33 6HA 17 2 51.068921 -0.895873
GU33 6HB 9 0 51.072619 -0.904692
GU33 6HD 3 0 51.067183 -0.896614
GU33 6HE 7 0 51.066207 -0.884692
GU33 6HF 4 0 51.065679 -0.899219
GU33 6HG 9 1 51.066528 -0.901511
GU33 6HH 3 0 51.068363 -0.909274
GU33 6HL 3 0 51.077193 -0.912547