all postcodes in GU33 / LISS

find any address or company within the GU33 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU33 6AA 10 1 51.075706 -0.887818
GU33 6AB 16 0 51.074839 -0.887979
GU33 6AD 6 1 51.073695 -0.889151
GU33 6AE 10 0 51.072941 -0.889312
GU33 6AF 17 0 51.073033 -0.888539
GU33 6AG 8 0 51.07255 -0.888376
GU33 6AH 14 0 51.072696 -0.885746
GU33 6AJ 1 0 51.072124 -0.884304
GU33 6AL 27 0 51.072868 -0.883476
GU33 6AN 4 0 51.073422 -0.88312
GU33 6AP 1 0 51.073775 -0.88057
GU33 6AQ 11 0 51.072436 -0.887226
GU33 6AR 23 0 51.074445 -0.88959
GU33 6AS 12 0 51.078159 -0.884819
GU33 6AT 2 0 51.078769 -0.884216
GU33 6AU 5 0 51.07913 -0.884781
GU33 6AW 9 0 51.073623 -0.882544
GU33 6AX 2 0 51.0789 -0.883784
GU33 6AY 5 0 51.079087 -0.883623
GU33 6AZ 2 0 51.079176 -0.883521