all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 2BA 0 51.154895 -0.977772
GU34 2BD 0 51.150572 -0.986318
GU34 2BE 0 51.15082 -0.984825
GU34 2BG 0 51.15272 -0.985184
GU34 2BH 0 51.153248 -0.983843
GU34 2BJ 0 51.15134 -0.983641
GU34 2BL 0 51.15053 -0.974309
GU34 2BN 0 51.15055 -0.976567
GU34 2BP 0 51.150838 -0.974559
GU34 2BQ 0 51.152199 -0.986239
GU34 2BS 0 51.150885 -0.975029
GU34 2BT 2 51.15031 -0.975786
GU34 2BU 0 51.150988 -0.975242
GU34 2BW 2 51.150452 -0.97491
GU34 2BX 0 51.151875 -0.976165
GU34 2BY 1 51.151578 -0.976873
GU34 2BZ 1 51.152473 -0.978797
GU34 2DA 1 51.151682 -0.975755
GU34 2DB 0 51.1515 -0.974115
GU34 2DD 0 51.15114 -0.973051