all postcodes in GU34 / ALTON

find any address or company within the GU34 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU34 2LE 0 51.161083 -0.975891
GU34 2LF 1 51.161422 -0.974867
GU34 2LG 0 51.161778 -0.974145
GU34 2LH 0 51.16225 -0.972561
GU34 2LJ 0 51.160164 -0.976683
GU34 2LL 3 51.161728 -0.972815
GU34 2LN 0 51.159906 -0.976946
GU34 2LP 0 51.159075 -0.977565
GU34 2LQ 0 51.162139 -0.973236
GU34 2LR 0 51.159408 -0.978702
GU34 2LS 0 51.161816 -0.972541
GU34 2LT 0 51.15211 -0.976317
GU34 2LW 0 51.158897 -0.97787
GU34 2LX 1 51.156172 -0.975771
GU34 2LY 1 51.156302 -0.974138
GU34 2NA 0 51.156896 -0.965016
GU34 2NB 6 51.158096 -0.96649
GU34 2ND 0 51.156868 -0.966904
GU34 2NE 0 51.157217 -0.968769
GU34 2NF 1 51.160172 -0.969418