all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 0YX 10 0 51.106562 -0.863881
GU35 0YZ 1 1 51.106167 -0.862048
GU35 0ZH 1 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 0FX 0 51.122889 -0.861119
GU35 0PZ 0 51.124186 -0.856772
GU35 0FD 8 0 51.108183 -0.865055
GU35 0QF 0 51.123261 -0.858313
GU35 0SX 8 0 51.121015 -0.846091
GU35 0GZ 14 0 51.120032 -0.865636
GU35 0RB 100 0 51.117403 -0.852399
GU35 0RJ 23 0 51.116283 -0.852813
GU35 0RD 25 0 51.117086 -0.850307
GU35 0RE 23 0 51.116601 -0.851276
GU35 0RF 36 0 51.116744 -0.852144
GU35 0RH 2 0 51.117773 -0.850243
GU35 0FE 7 5 51.120516 -0.850764
GU35 0FG 9 0 51.109575 -0.859732
GU35 0FA 14 0 51.120998 -0.850395
GU35 0GY 4 0 51.122032 -0.859954
GU35 0HL 1 1 51.117553 -0.861665