all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 0FH 9 0 51.109431 -0.859268
GU35 0FJ 30 30 51.116143 -0.873944
GU35 0FL 0 51.118228 -0.858062
GU35 0FP 0 51.117937 -0.858641
GU35 0FQ 0 51.117826 -0.859315
GU35 0FR 0 51.117896 -0.860028
GU35 0FT 0 51.118564 -0.858368
GU35 0FW 5 0 51.123457 -0.864035
GU35 0FY 4 0 51.122595 -0.862298
GU35 0FZ 6 0 51.123503 -0.86229
GU35 0GE 5 0 51.121326 -0.865887
GU35 0GF 9 0 51.121922 -0.866216
GU35 0GG 18 0 51.121636 -0.867309
GU35 0GH 5 0 51.121806 -0.868148
GU35 0GJ 15 0 51.122233 -0.86768
GU35 0GX 1 1 51.124473 -0.861238
GU35 5AE 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5AL 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5AQ 1 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5BD 1 0 51.118697 -0.86054