all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 5DN 1 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5DP 1 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5DS 1 51.118697 -0.86054
GU35 5DT 1 0 51.118692 -0.860522
GU35 5DU 1 0 51.118692 -0.860522
GU35 5DW 1 1 51.118692 -0.860522
GU35 8AA 1 0 51.126555 -0.817876
GU35 8AB 7 0 51.125093 -0.817313
GU35 8AD 7 0 51.124069 -0.81651
GU35 8AE 8 0 51.124805 -0.812833
GU35 8AF 2 0 51.123731 -0.81117
GU35 8AG 10 0 51.125974 -0.812017
GU35 8AH 25 0 51.123381 -0.808111
GU35 8AJ 8 0 51.122851 -0.807268
GU35 8AL 19 0 51.122322 -0.80661
GU35 8AN 10 0 51.124664 -0.81941
GU35 8AP 15 0 51.122519 -0.803847
GU35 8AQ 13 0 51.124518 -0.809411
GU35 8AR 1 0 51.126603 -0.811915
GU35 8AS 51 2 51.123535 -0.804749