all postcodes in GU35 / BORDON

find any address or company within the GU35 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU35 8DA 3 0 51.123904 -0.818872
GU35 8DB 18 0 51.122725 -0.817888
GU35 8DD 2 0 51.123482 -0.817593
GU35 8DE 4 0 51.12152 -0.817032
GU35 8DF 12 0 51.121611 -0.819831
GU35 8DG 3 0 51.122732 -0.813301
GU35 8DH 6 0 51.123198 -0.814889
GU35 8DJ 6 0 51.123018 -0.815794
GU35 8DN 16 0 51.12194 -0.814964
GU35 8DP 5 0 51.122039 -0.807003
GU35 8DQ 7 0 51.123679 -0.813562
GU35 8DR 15 0 51.121533 -0.806844
GU35 8DS 14 0 51.12022 -0.808607
GU35 8DT 2 0 51.118095 -0.810062
GU35 8DU 12 0 51.120256 -0.813864
GU35 8DW 18 0 51.121279 -0.811052
GU35 8DX 2 0 51.120718 -0.817292
GU35 8EA 2 0 51.114247 -0.796541
GU35 8ED 8 0 51.114585 -0.799237
GU35 8EG 6 0 51.116804 -0.810424