all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 7SF 2 0 51.258313 -0.483509
GU4 7SG 5 0 51.260997 -0.482956
GU4 7SH 1 0 51.267424 -0.486228
GU4 7SJ 1 1 51.257229 -0.471887
GU4 7SP 14 0 51.264212 -0.542047
GU4 7SQ 2 0 51.261283 -0.482967
GU4 7SR 12 0 51.26434 -0.541556
GU4 7SS 12 0 51.263853 -0.54289
GU4 7ST 18 2 51.254335 -0.504069
GU4 7SU 4 1 51.255683 -0.502606
GU4 7SW 14 0 51.263427 -0.542588
GU4 7SX 8 0 51.258779 -0.503452
GU4 7SY 9 0 51.259468 -0.502541
GU4 7SZ 33 0 51.260942 -0.501074
GU4 7TA 43 0 51.259936 -0.500462
GU4 7TB 28 0 51.260657 -0.500582
GU4 7TD 18 2 51.261086 -0.503835
GU4 7TE 12 3 51.262445 -0.503978
GU4 7TF 8 0 51.264766 -0.505465
GU4 7TG 15 0 51.266828 -0.50443