all postcodes in GU4 / GUILDFORD

find any address or company within the GU4 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU4 7RD 18 0 51.264322 -0.545885
GU4 7RE 24 0 51.263479 -0.546786
GU4 7RG 9 0 51.251014 -0.504506
GU4 7RH 3 0 51.247925 -0.511914
GU4 7RJ 22 0 51.248648 -0.50027
GU4 7RL 13 0 51.253433 -0.487002
GU4 7RN 5 0 51.253415 -0.481515
GU4 7RP 4 0 51.248139 -0.476158
GU4 7RR 6 0 51.252332 -0.479114
GU4 7RQ 9 2 51.251017 -0.515339
GU4 7RS 9 0 51.254309 -0.481084
GU4 7RT 12 4 51.257548 -0.472249
GU4 7RU 4 0 51.255352 -0.480405
GU4 7RX 2 0 51.255258 -0.480958
GU4 7RY 11 1 51.254429 -0.482685
GU4 7RZ 11 0 51.253972 -0.482127
GU4 7SA 9 0 51.255245 -0.485309
GU4 7SB 2 0 51.256105 -0.483839
GU4 7SD 8 0 51.258189 -0.484209
GU4 7SE 10 0 51.255774 -0.482426