all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 8DS 18 0 51.139486 -0.481353
GU6 8DT 14 0 51.138143 -0.481139
GU6 8DU 14 0 51.137021 -0.481276
GU6 8DW 10 0 51.139239 -0.483105
GU6 8DX 14 0 51.135859 -0.480471
GU6 8DY 23 0 51.133442 -0.479498
GU6 8DZ 16 0 51.133611 -0.478387
GU6 8EA 5 0 51.096061 -0.516437
GU6 8EB 8 0 51.133218 -0.485503
GU6 8ED 4 0 51.133568 -0.477831
GU6 8EE 5 0 51.120602 -0.449165
GU6 8EF 4 0 51.115076 -0.469323
GU6 8EG 2 0 51.115409 -0.460758
GU6 8EH 7 1 51.128941 -0.454859
GU6 8EJ 14 0 51.131163 -0.472679
GU6 8EL 1 0 51.143043 -0.503323
GU6 8EQ 8 1 51.119686 -0.455439
GU6 8ER 9 2 51.09614 -0.517734
GU6 8ES 8 0 51.095838 -0.518001
GU6 8ET 12 0 51.09564 -0.518707