all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 8BS 25 0 51.137073 -0.482504
GU6 8BT 25 0 51.135699 -0.484078
GU6 8BU 15 0 51.136117 -0.485051
GU6 8BW 32 0 51.137465 -0.485007
GU6 8BX 19 0 51.135124 -0.486198
GU6 8BY 8 0 51.134121 -0.485817
GU6 8BZ 30 0 51.134942 -0.483917
GU6 8DA 22 0 51.134538 -0.484002
GU6 8DB 10 0 51.135772 -0.482018
GU6 8DD 2 0 51.135519 -0.481574
GU6 8DE 43 0 51.133999 -0.483319
GU6 8DF 11 0 51.133992 -0.481361
GU6 8DG 10 0 51.133421 -0.481723
GU6 8DH 24 0 51.132772 -0.484417
GU6 8DJ 8 2 51.14021 -0.484517
GU6 8DL 1 1 51.14021 -0.484517
GU6 8DN 3 1 51.139923 -0.483869
GU6 8DP 7 1 51.140686 -0.484458
GU6 8DQ 10 0 51.133029 -0.482708
GU6 8DR 4 0 51.140329 -0.483283