all postcodes in GU6 / CRANLEIGH

find any address or company within the GU6 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU6 7NH 15 0 51.166818 -0.469184
GU6 7NJ 12 0 51.169139 -0.46443
GU6 7NL 6 0 51.172406 -0.460793
GU6 7NN 13 1 51.168965 -0.455367
GU6 7NP 13 0 51.169622 -0.448551
GU6 7NR 26 0 51.170303 -0.444981
GU6 7NS 1 1 51.175101 -0.444733
GU6 7NT 6 0 51.178756 -0.434853
GU6 7NW 5 0 51.1698 -0.458615
GU6 7PB 8 0 51.155919 -0.443333
GU6 7PE 9 0 51.155727 -0.445785
GU6 7PF 10 0 51.155004 -0.459108
GU6 7PG 6 0 51.15656 -0.443483
GU6 7PJ 6 0 51.163629 -0.446964
GU6 7PL 15 0 51.162111 -0.448431
GU6 7PN 5 0 51.160828 -0.450648
GU6 7PP 3 0 51.163055 -0.457267
GU6 7PQ 11 0 51.157459 -0.443086
GU6 7PT 5 0 51.154594 -0.440404
GU6 7PU 10 0 51.152931 -0.439087